I’m Dimi Salo, Finnish-Pontic Greek singer-songwriter, musician, music pedagog and music journalist. I live in Oulu, Finland. I’ve operated actively in fields of music, teaching and culture for the last 15 years.
31st of March 2023 my massive project will see the daylight – I release my first novel and second album Sopivanlaiset. I’ve worked on this huge project for the last 6 years. These two pieces of art can be experienced separately or together like a music (theatre) play.
You can listen to the first released single from here
Support me as an independent artist – buy physical and digital cd and book, teachings and gigs in advance from here

New album and first novel will be released on March 2023.
Sopivanlaiset (The Appropriate Ones/ The Suitable Ones) is a concept, that includes my firs novel and second full lenght music album. Sopivanlaiset is a story based in Oulu, Finland. The novel follows the lives of daughter Aava, mother Hannele and father Juhani. They unveil us their memories, thoughts and feelings about age, gender, mental health and work life. What is it to be appropriate and suitable for ourselves and to others?
Are you looking for a troubadour to your event?
I perform solo (vocals and keyboard/ piano) on occasions and events like baptisms, name giving ceremonies, weddings, birthday parties, memorial services and funerals.
I teach singing and songwriting
I have over 10 years of experience of teaching of individuals and groups of different backgrounds, levels and ages. In vocal training my strongest genres are pop, rock and iskelmä/ schlager – in Finnish and in English. With me you can also write songs! I also teach music theory and ear training.

Music interviews
From September 2021 I’ve been writing music interviews to city of Oulu’s web magazine Mun Oulu.
I’ve made about 100 interviews so far, in Finnish, but I can work also in English.
Rokkia ikä kaikki – oululaismuusikko Jarmo Heikkinen täyttää 60 vuotta
Rockmuusikko Jarmo Heikkinen aloitti uransa vuonna 1974 Oulun Lintulassa vain 12-vuotiaana.
Oululaistaiteilija J. A. Mäki täyttää 60 vuotta: ”Täällä on saanut elää omanlaista elämää”
Musiikin- ja sarjakuvantekijä J. A. Mäki täyttää 28. marraskuuta 60 vuotta. Pitkän linjan oululaismuusikko veti ensimmäisen keikkansa 40 vuotta sitten.
Yli 40 vuotta rokannut 22-Pistepirkko Oulussa: Sitkeys juontaa pohjoisista juurista
Yli 40 vuotta omalaatuista ja rohkeaa rockia tehnyt 22-Pistepirkko julkaisi vastikään kehutun Kind Hearts Have a Run Run -albumin.
All photos taken by Henry Salmi, Studiå